Nervous regulation and energy medicine

I am a firm believer in our individual ability to heal ourselves and live the best life we can live. This does not mean I am against what we call conventional medicine, which is needed, but everything has its place. We have opportunities to build our physical and mental resilience, which is not done in isolation, but in our collective environments, and it is always changing, so it requires a continuous nurturing process.

This continuous dance of discovering, understanding and loving ourselves is not a ‘navel gazing exercise’, but  a contemplation of  who we are with ourselves and others. That link of the individual with the collective, without disappearing, is what guides my practice and I hope is what you enjoy from the work I offer.

With this in mind, and as a lifelong curious learner, I started studying Energy Medicine in 2010, when I first came across Donna Eden. A bit late to the party, I started applying some of the flows in my dance and movement sessions two years later (after I familiarised myself and tested the method, as I like experiencing all the systems I teach and share). Around 2018, I came across Prune Harris and I really enjoyed her approach to Energy Medicine and how she links her work with nature. It was in 2023 when I met Stephanie Mines and after having a mentoring session with her, I found that the TARA Approach was the right path for me and what I do.

And so, I started my training at TARA Approach practitioner and Rediscovery Journey (™) Practitioner, and in November 2024, I became a certified TARA Approach practitioner, and I am in the path of becoming a Self-Care TARA Approach Teacher.

So what is it?

In the words of Dr. Mines:

‘the TARA Approach is a sustainable healthcare model based on the unity of mind and body. It is organised around promoting authentic nervous system health and resilience through the resolution of trauma, shock and any other obstacles to optimal development. It includes subtle touch (Jin Shin Tara) that promotes holistic health and cellular memory. The TARA Approach views human health as a continuum. Early history, during prenatal unfolding, is seen as the blueprint for each individual’s health. When precursors to later difficulties are repatterned, human evolution continues on its limitless path’.

This powerful modality balances the energy systems and restores the nervous system by working at the cellular level, allowing for a deep sense of reconnection to Self.

The system integrates the ancient Japanese energy medicine Jin Shin with Neuropsychology. Developed by Neuropsychologist Dr. Stephanie Mines. This approach aims to be a Tool for Awakening Resources and Awareness (hence the name TARA).

What does a session look like?

A session lasts about one hour and it is practiced by placing the fingertips (over clothing) on designated pathways, to restore and harmonize an energy “flow.” During each session, self-help techniques will be offered for home use. Positive changes that are most common include: relaxation and well-being to body & spirit, increased stress resilience, better coping, improved mood, relief from pain, and increase in mental and physical energy.

In the sessions, we will also use imagery,  and breath to support you achieve your goal in regulating your nervous system and direct (tame or ignite) your energy according to your needs.

Other potential benefits

  • Feel a deep sense of relaxation and peace in your mind/body/spirit
  • Develop ability to process a past traumatic event differentiating the past from the present, and other emotions such as worry, fear, anger, grief or nervousness
  • Restore the Nervous System
  • Balance your energy
  • Relief from pain/stress/anxiety/PTSD
  • Increase vitality
  • Improved moods
  • Calm an overactive mind
  • Reconnect to your body

' Powerful treatment. Very clear and boundaried process with what felt like empathetic and intuitive understanding of my body. I was able to be raw and emotional without inhibition which also allowed for a deep connection to Rosaria and the technique. I could feel the shifts happening, the unhinging, the loosening, the releasing. I was held when it was overwhelming and made comfortable. I felt different when I left and even upon receiving more shocking news and some of the old anxiety returned, I implemented the hand on body exercises I was shown and managed to alleviate some of those feelings. I have felt enormous shifts in my state of mind since the treatment and my body feels looser. Thank you’.


I have undertaken the following modules of the TARA Approach educational curriculum, in addition to individual mentoring sessions with Dr. Stephanie Mines:

  • Self-Care (2023)
  • TARA Approach Foundation Programme 1 and 2 (2023)
  • The Rediscovery Journey (TM) (2023)
  • The Rediscovery Journey (TM) Update (2023)
  • The Rediscovery Journey Certification (2024)
  • TARA Approach 2 (2024)
  • Hormonal Resilience (2024)
  • Introduction to TARA and Practicum – TARA Approach Practitioner Accreditation (2024)
  • Biodynamic Bone Health (2024)