Classes & Specialist Workshops


These sessions are packed with: Afoxe, Samba reggae, Coco, Danza dos Arcos, Cavalo Marinho and of course Maracatu.
Let’s enjoy dances from all genres from Afro-Brazilian to rumba, from Charleston to Jive, from Salsa to Tango. Let’s dance to various music styles covering decades from the 50s to today!
Different music and dance styles, just wear comfortable clothes, dress up or whatever outfit you fancy, have water ready and be prepared to let your hair down!.

Would you like to improve your health? Are you in a transitional stage in your life (physical or mental)? Are you suffering from a long term illness that is reducing your energy? Are you interested in losing weight? or are you interested in dancing?

The sessions are fun and nurturing. They include a Somatic and fitness section(GYROKINESIS® stretches,Franklin method, Lebed method techniques) and 30 min. of short dances (from Latin to Bollywood, from 80s to current music).
Movement method that gently works the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. You only need a stool and a mat to take part.
You can now access GYROKINESIS (R) sessions in your own time and pace. This might be the solution for you if you missed the session, want to have a go or cannot attend that particular time slot. So, get your session now and enjoy!  
You will have access to two sessions of GYROTONIC (R) and two sessions of GYROKINESIS (R) (the latter you can access online or face to face) so that you can familiarise with the system a little bit more before you subscribe to any other further programme.  
The GYROTONIC® Method is suitable for everyone and are held face to face. Many find it useful as rehabilitation from chronic and traumatic conditions. Others use it as a personal fitness training and for stress release.
Here there are 20 short videos which you can do as often as you wish. Whether it is first thing in the morning, in between meetings or throughout the day, enjoy and find the best way to complement your routine.
7 day access to 7 short videos (15 min) which include exercises, devised for people who are sedentary due to work or other circumstances, and a dance track in case you fancy joining in.
The pampering days are a perfect way to unwind, yet restore your mind, body and soul. They will leave you energised and with a sense of glow. They take place around the Solstices of Winter and Summer. Make a regular date with yourself and see you there.
Sessions will be tailored to the needs of the client so the content will be decided in consultation with the client. These sessions could focus on dance, nervous integration and energy medicine, and/or somatic movement. DANCE: learn a particular dance style at your
These fun and friendly bi-monthly sessions are open to anyone over the age of 50, and will focus on supporting participants to build strength, physical confidence and prevent falls through dance and somatic exercises peppered with fun and vibrant music.
Here you can see a handy overview of weekly scheduled activities
This session covers the main concepts we mention in the sessions so that participants are more aware of the different parts of the body we are moving and how they connect to each other. A must-know to deepen our understanding of our bodies and develope our movement practice.
'The face is the mirror of the soul' and in this session we explore very useful tips to do quick manual lymphatic drainage massage as well as some basic Face Yoga exercises. They can be added to your daily routine to acquire a natural glow as well as improving your
This session develops further the manual lymphatic drainage we did in Session 1 as well as it provides more Face Yoga exercises which you can include into your daily routine. Be ready to show a natural and healthy glow.
This session will delve deeper in the use of hands, feet and face, using mudras and reflexology points so that we can be healthy and well. These practices are preventative. If there is a particular health condition you need to attend to, please check with your medical professionals. These practices
This session is dedicated to explore movements to decompress the knees, to raise awareness about the different connections to the knee and to practise different exercises to strengthen this joint.
We will be using a variety of tools, from imagery, use of mudras, to specific lengthening and strengthening exercises, devised to support this part of the body and reduce pain and aches.
This session works with a variety of pressure points, strengthening and lengthening exercises to support the lower back, reduce pain and facilitate recovery.
The exercises provided in this session are devised to release tension from the neck and shoulders so that it supports the body to relax, reduce headache frequency as well as additional undesired issues in arms and hands.
Thank you for choosing this Specialist Workshop which looks at the Psoas (and its role in lower back mobility) and introduces the vagus nerve. It provides a bit of anatomical information, which might be useful to visualise when we are doing our movement practice, and it presents exercises which can