Thursdays: 10:30 – 11:30 (in person)

Fridays: 10:00 – 11:00 (Zoom – Link Here)

Please note: no session on 14th, 20th, 21st February; 27th and 28th March and 18th April


'Rosaria’s teaching is always joyful and exhilarating - she delivers sessions that are accessible to all, whilst also ensuring a safe and trusting environment in which to learn'.

GYROKINESIS® Method is a somatic movement method that gently works the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences.

Content of the session

You can attend this session without prior experience of this system. It is a group session so just come along with comfortable clothing and water.

Each class begins on a chair with a gentle warm up sequence to awaken the senses, and stimulate the nervous system. This is followed by a series of fluid spinal motions which increase range of motion, and prepare the body to explore more complex movements with agility, and ease. Class continues on the floor with exercises that expand on the spinal motions, gradually adding more complex sequences, incorporating more movements of the hips, shoulders, hands and feet. The floor exercises are followed by a rhythmic standing sequence that incorporates balance, and cardiovascular exercises; then ends with a calming, unwinding sequence designed to prepare the body and mind to reintegrate with the everyday world.

Sessions may also include elements from the Lebed Method and the Dorn Method, depending on the abilities and needs of the group and individual participants. Rosaria is also a Chrysalis Effect practitioner so she is equipped to support clients with M.E.,CFS and Fibromyalgia as part of their personalised health and wellbeing package.


  1. In person session every Thursday from 10.30 to 11.30 at the Samurai Centre Brighton (49 New England Street, Brighton, BN1 4GQ 
  2. Online sessions are every Friday from 10:00 to 11:00 UK Time
  3. Please pay for your chosen session at
  4. Join us at Password: 73336 or in person at the Samurai Centre, 49 New England Street. BN1 4GQ

When face to face is available, the price list is:

  • Individual GYROKINESIS® session: £10
  • Package 1 GYROKINESIS® (5 sessions to be done within 2 months): £45
  • GYROKINESIS® & GYROTONIC® Combination Package (2 sessions of each Method): £95

I am increasingly working alongside Osteopaths ,Physiotherapists and other medical professionals to support my clients. If  you would like me to establish contact with them, please get in touch.

I am a certified instructor in:

  • GYROTONIC ® Scoliosis Applications (2023)
  • GYROTONIC ® Level 2 Programme 2 (2022) (Foundation)
  • GYROTONIC ® Level 2 Programme 2 (2021) (Pre-Training)
  • GYROTONIC ® Pre- Trainer (2020)
  • GYROTONIC® Level 2 Programme 1 (2019) (Pre-Training and Foundation)
  • GYROTONIC® Applications for the Shoulder Girdle (2018)
  • GYROKINESIS® Method  (2016 -17) ( Pre-Training, Foundation, Apprenticeship Review and Certification)
  • GYROTONIC® Pre-Post Natal Applications (2014)
  • GYROTONIC® Psoas-Iliacus Applications (2013)
  • GYROTONIC® Level 1 (2010 -11) (Pre-Training, Foundation, Apprenticeship Review and Certification)

GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.