Researcher (2006 – 2005)

Exploring issues around gender and media as part of the project led by Sussex University and Wired Sussex

Researcher (SEGERA project) (2003)

Providing research support for this project funded by the European Commission and hosted by the School of Cultural and Innovation Studies at the University of East London.

Researcher (2002)

Providing support for this project coordinated by the Multimedia and Learning Disabilities Centre, University of East London, in conjunction with MENCAP.

Researcher (Upskilling Project) (2002)

Funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and hosted by the School of Cultural and Innovation Studies (UEL), this project looked at the role of formal and non-formal education in supporting people to return to work.

Evaluator (2001 – 2000)

Follow-up and evaluation of the “Education at the Margins” Conference organised by International Extension College (IEC) with sponsorship of the Department for International Development (DfID).