Researcher at humanITy (2008 – 2000)
Researching issues regarding digital inclusion
Trainer at Artswork (2008- 2007)
Delivering Arts related courses for young people encouraging them to initiate a career in the arts. Courses delivered: “Events Management” and “Arts for Everyone”. Hub4 Project
Marketing and Information Consultant, IMA International (2008)
Supporting the organisation to draft their Strategic Business Plan.
Community Dance Practitioner at Green Candle Dance (2008)
Devising and delivering dance and movement sessions in homes, sheltered housing and hospitals
Co-Choreographer, workshop leader and performer at Carnival Collective (2007 – 2000)
Performing over 50 performances per year in the UK and Europe
Moderator at the London Open College Network (2007 – 2004)
Carnival performer and workshop leader at Emergency Exit Arts (2007 – 2004)
Performing both in the UK and in Europe
Member of the organising team at the Brighton and Hove Carnival Association (2007 – 2006)
Researcher/Editor (2007 – 2006)
Working for the Microsoft Citizenship Newsroom. A Microsoft/Futerra initiative. London, UK.
Festivals artist liaison (2006)
Working at WOMAD (Canary Islands, Spain), Arumdo (UK), The Big Chill (UK) and the Rocket Festival (Granada, Spain)